Get quick tips and answers to common questions.

Where can I find the Terms & Conditions?

Terms & Conditions are located at the footer of the website under policies. Please be familiar with our Terms & Conditions prior to bidding.

How can I consign and sell items on Gavel Roads?

Contact us at connect@gavelroads.com or 316-425-7732 and a sales representative will schedule a time to come to you to consign your equipment. We will gather all the specifications, create a detailed description, and take pictures of each of your items. We will share your contact information for bidders to connect with you to gather any additional details of your item to make a purchase. We will then market the auction, manage the transaction, and compensate the seller.

Where is the auction?

The auctions are all held online. The equipment is located all over the country. Each auction indicates the time frame held and where each piece of equipment is located.

Can I inspect the equipment myself?

Our independent inspections provide in-depth reports and extensive pictures on the condition for you to review.  If you have the opportunity to make it to the actual site, you are welcome to see it yourself by contacting the seller and making appropriate arrangements.  However, our inspections showcase just like you would see in person.  This allows you to have confidence in your purchase.

If I sell my item with Gavel Roads can I protect my items with a reserve?

YES! Gavel Roads has the means to allow our sellers to protect their equipment. We will assist you to list your item with a reasonable reserve price. Once the reserve is met, it will sell to the highest bidder.

Who can answer my questions about the equipment?

The seller may have contact information attached to the item selling that you may reach out to for Q&A. Also, our sales representatives are available to answer your questions.  Please contact us at 316-425-7732 or complete the “Contact us” form and we will answer your questions promptly.

Will I have to pay sales tax?

Retail sales in most states are subject to sales tax.

How do I register to bid on auction items?

Creating your Gavel Roads account will provide bidding access to all active auctions. You only need to register once and then you may simply log in with your user name and password. To register, go to the link “Login to Bid” in the upper right of the page.

How do I search for a specific item?

You may use the search bar at the top of each page to find a specific item in all the Gavel Roads auctions. You can narrow your search by category or view the items that match your keyword in all categories.

Are you still not finding the answer you’re looking for? Contact us at connect@gavelroads.com or call us at 316-425-7732 and we will be glad to help!